Monday, November 12, 2012

weird stuff..and stuff!

I always get inspired by odd things, especially when I experience "artists block, or maybe its just depression? =/... this time I got inspired by the movie "the tattooist" But it was not the movie that inspired me, it was an actor, and actor that had a small roll even. His name is Nathaniel Lee's.. I drew him several times already.. he is just so awesome to draw.. anyways these are a few days old, I got lost, Nathaniel helped me find myself again.. ha. (these are not of Nathaniel, maybe ill share those portraits sometime, however)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Being sick and.. and yeah.. LOOK!

Been sick for a couple of days (nasty cold, sucked the life out of me..) The black silhouettes are character concepts with armor for my OC Velozity (c) Me.. let me know which one you dig! (crouching amazon orc/thing/whatever) A collab between me and a good friend of mine, lucky to be working with him, also some arm studies I did which I posted earlier. Quick enviro studies from itally! Perspective is not my strong suit so im working harder on that aspect of my art.. =/ frustrating! Ha. bleh.. Wasted valuable time being sick.. Its a phobia of mine.. something along the lines of "blade runner" I needs a new body/head etc.. haha.